Graphic Design
We design everything, for your project and at a fraction of the price that design agencies charge. Artwork is professionally created and
done uniquely for you. You are fully involved in the design process. We deal with most projects over the phone or email.
We design everything, for your project and at a fraction of the price that design agencies charge. Artwork is professionally created and done uniquely for you. You are fully involved in the design process. We deal with most projects over the phone or email.
We follow a standard design process
Ready to print– We promise you a prompt turnaround and work to your deadline.
Consultation – We can arrange a time to discuss the design by meeting with you or we can do this over the phone or by email. The choice is yours.
Print Ready Artwork Specifications:
3mm on all sides
Recommended Safe Zone:
3mm in from all sides
Accepted File Types:
PDF version 1.4 or higher
Recommended Resolution:
300 dpi for all images
800 dpi for all text as an image
Colours must be either CMYK or Grey Scale (i.e. no RGB, Pantone or Spot Colours)
All fonts must be embedded or converted to curves
Borders and type must be within safe zone as variations may occur when trimming
Ensure your artwork matches your order specifications
Artwork must be correctly sized with required amounts of bleed
All transparency effects are to be flattened
Overprints must be set correctly for desired result
All colour profiles are to be removed
Ensure all images are at correct resolution
Registration marks, keylines, dielines and other non-printing items must be removed
Crop marks, if required, are to be positioned outside bleed area